Looking for a MENTOR $

Thread Started By Keep it 100

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Hi again!
I am looking for someone who knows a lot about SL and can help me down the road as I learn things. I began following rigging tutorials and mesch sculpting tutorials in youtube but I need to ask more questions and I need more help on the side. Now, Im not rich and Im also finishing a degree. Im looking for someone who not a such a high crazy price would help me develop skills for creating mesh and rigging and someone who can also answer questions and teach me more things on the side without getting mad or annoyed. I have paid for online classes before in Udemy( Thats how I learned PS) so Im trying to do the same with SL specific things. My head goes all over the place when it comes to learning (some days Im curious about how to make hair, then how to rig clothes, animations/poses, then I go back to making eyeliners and makeup). So basically I want a mentor. 

I own a wacom tablet, PS 2020, MD9, Avastar (waiting for them to update it), Blender 2.8 and 2.79, Maya 2019.
Im willing to pay either by sessions or a monthly if you are on often and can get bugged constantly by me. Please no crazy high prices Im basically willing to split part of my monthly groceries with one of you. Message me privately with an offer and I will reply if it sounds good (I won't low-ball you so I will reply if I really can).

Hugs! <3

(I'm on EST )
Just to clarify, I said HELP. Which means that I'm working on something but I need someone to ask questions to as I go along BY MYSELF. I only need help when encountering bumps or I have questions and Im willing to pay for that. So I don't know, maybe you can charge me per-question depending on how hard they are. Lol.

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