New Script Template

Thread Started By ☠ MosDef ☠

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Bornslippy Ruby presents...
New Script Template
Tags: scripts, xml-rpc, animations, attachments, avatar, camera, chat, collision, controls, communications, dataserver, detection, effects, email, ground, http, inventory, money, link, owner, permissions, physics, primitive, region, rotation, sensor, text, texture, teleport, time, touch, xmlrpc, featured, devtools, examples, templates

// money
integer price = 0;

// touch_end
float TouchTime;

// llTarget
integer target_id;
vector target_pos;

// http_response
key http_request_id;


    on_rez( integer _sp )
        // *** attach
        //llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
        // *** on_rez
        //llRezObject(object, llGetPos() + <0.0, 0.0, 0.5>, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0);
        // *** money
        //llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [PAY_HIDE ,PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);
        //llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
        // *** llTarget
        //target_pos = llGetPos() + <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
        //target_id = llTarget(target_pos, 0.5);
        // *** http_response
        //http_request_id = llHTTPRequest("url", [], "");
        // *** email
        // *** collision (phantom)
    changed( integer _c )
    run_time_permissions( integer _p )
    attach( key _ao )
        if( _ao )
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL,"I have been attached!");
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL,"I have been detached!");
    object_rez( key _or )
    //########## COMUNICATE ############
    // Comunicazione tra avatars & prims
    // llWhisper - nearest
    // llSay - normal
    // llShout - far
    // llRegionSay - all the sim
    // llEmail - All SL
    listen( integer _c, string _n, key _i, string _m )
    // Comunicazione tra scripts dello stesso oggetto
    link_message( integer _sn, integer _n, string _m, key _k )
    // Comunicazioni da backend esterni a SL e da oggetti in altre sim
    email( string _t, string _a, string _v, string _m, integer _n )
        if ((integer)_v < 2)
            list info = llCSV2List( llDeleteSubString(_m, 0, llSubStringIndex(_m, "\n\n") + 1));
            llGiveInventory(llList2Key(info,0), llList2String(info,1));

        if ( _n ) llGetNextEmail("","");
    //########## DATAREQUEST ############

    http_response( key _r, integer _s, list _m, string _b )
        if (_r == http_request_id)
            llSetText( _b, <0,0,1>, 1 );
    remote_data( integer _e, key _c, key _mi, string _s, integer _i, string _sd )
    dataserver( key _q, string _d )
    //########## TOUCHHANDLE ############
    touch( integer _n )
        llOwnerSay("I am being touched by " + llDetectedName(0) + ".");
    touch_start( integer _n )
        TouchTime = llGetTime();
    touch_end( integer _n )
        llOwnerSay((string)(llGetTime() - TouchTime) + " seconds between touch_start and touch_end");
    //########## SENSORS ############
    sensor( integer _n )
        string msg = "Detected " + (string)_n + " avatar(s): " + llDetectedName(0);
        integer i = 0;
        while(_n > ++i)//skips the first item which suits this application
            msg += ", " + llDetectedName(i);
        llWhisper(0, msg);

        llWhisper(0, "Nobody is near me at present.");
    //########## COLLISIONS ############
    land_collision( vector _p )
        llOwnerSay("Land collision at: "+(string) _p.x + ","+(string) _p.y+","+(string)_p.z);
    land_collision_start( vector _p )
        llOwnerSay("Land collision at: "+(string) _p.x + ","+(string) _p.y+","+(string)_p.z);
    land_collision_end( vector _p )
        llOwnerSay("Land collision ends at: "+(string) _p.x + ","+(string) _p.y+","+(string)_p.z);
    collision( integer _n )
        llOwnerSay("The collison I've had with " + llDetectedName(0) + " hurts me.");
    collision_start( integer _n )
        llOwnerSay("The collison I've had with " + llDetectedName(0) + " is started.");
    collision_end( integer _n )
        llOwnerSay("The collison I've had with " + llDetectedName(0) + " has ended.");
    //########### MOVEMENTS ############
    moving_start( )
    moving_end( )
    control( key _i, integer _l, integer _e)
    //########## MONEY ############
    money( key _s, integer _m )
        if(_m != price)
            if ( _m > price ) {
                llGiveMoney(_s, (_m - price));
            llInstantMessage(_s, "You paid "+(string)_m+", which is the wrong price, the price is: "+(string)price+". " + (string)(_m - price) + " will be refunded!" );
                jump paid;
            llGiveMoney(_s, _m);
            llInstantMessage(_s, "You paid "+(string)_m+", which is the wrong price, the price is: "+(string)price);
        llInstantMessage(_s, "You paid the right price");
    //########### TARGETING ############
    at_target( integer _tn, vector _tp, vector _op )
        if (_tn == target_id)
            llOwnerSay("object is within range of target");
            llOwnerSay("target position: " + (string)_tp + ", object is now at: " + (string)_op);
            llOwnerSay("this is " + (string)llVecDist(_tp, _op) + " meters from the target");
    not_at_target( )
            "not there yet - object is at " + (string)llGetPos() +
            ", which is " + (string)llVecDist(target_pos, llGetPos()) +
            " meters from the target (" + (string)target_pos + ")"
    //########### ROT TARGET ############
    at_rot_target( integer _tn, rotation _tr, rotation _or )
    not_at_rot_target( )
[Image: 8cWHDmW.png]

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